"No Ugly Face" that's what Gracie's Grandpa Winstead tells her when she starts to fuss. To say the least one of my many struggles has been my baby girl crying. Now, I know babies cry. I hear them cry all the time at work, however, I feel like my baby shouldn't cry. You see, if she is crying, then that must mean that something is wrong and that I am not taking care of her like I should. At least, that's what I feel like most of the time. Even though I know that crying is how babies communicate, it still breaks my heart when she cries. This is especially true when I know that she has just been fed, has a clean diaper, and just woke up from a nap. It is at these moments that I feel like I am failing my little girl, because I can't seem to soothe her even when nothing seems to be wrong. Gracie seems to be especially fussy most days starting around 4:30 in the afternoon. I am already stressing about whether or not she will be fussy when she is at school. I know how frustrating it can be for the teachers to have the children constantly crying and I do not want my little girl to be the one that frustrates the teachers. I am hoping that she will outgrow some of this fussiness by the time she starts school. However, our time is getting closer and closer to when she will be starting school, only 4 more weeks! :( We have learned that she loves her swing and at times that is the only thing that will settle her down.
I love learning new things about my daughter each and everyday. When Gracie first came home from the hospital, I told Chris that babies are suppose to have different cries for different things. For example, they have one cry when they are hungry, another when they are sleepy, another one when they have a dirty diaper, etc. Well, from the beginning, it seemed that Gracie's cry was the same no matter what was wrong. However, in the recent weeks, I have started noticing a difference in her cries. I have yet to be able to figure out what each cry means yet, but I am learning. I have learned that my little girl does NOT like having a dirty diaper. She will start fussing like nothing else when she has a dirty diaper. I guess she takes after her Grandpa Bennett in this matter. I wonder if she will be a neat freak like him! :)
"No Ugly Face"... When Grandpa Winstead says this to little Gracie it works like a charm. She stops mid cry to see what he is saying. I tried it today, it worked a little bit, but before I knew it, she once again starting fussing. I guess I will have to wait till Grandpa Winstead comes around and tells her again "No Ugly Face" :)
Hey Carrie,
ReplyDeleteDid you watch the video/ read the stuff on the purple crying period they gave at the hospital- this is prob what is going on at 4:30. As for the rest- totally understand- I think that is the hardest part on Moms ( that and breastfeeding) no Mom likes to ever hear her child cry! Also know that every Mom understands and no one will judge you or her on that because they've been there too and this "Mommy Rule" will apply forever like when she's throwin down at Target or Toys r us in 2 years.... all the other Mommy's will look at you and smile... cause they know what it's like and feel it with you. I know you're doing an AWESOME job just because I can tell how much you love her! I love seeing this "mommy" side of you! You're doing great and I am so proud of you.